The Tracy Children 

We are hoping that by now you have read our article about our continued effort to find former KBR employees who have similar experiences as we have had in our fight for justice against Washington DC connected powerhouse, AIG.

This story I am about to tell you here is a personal anecdotal story of mine with regards to my extended-family experiences. One of the things AIG and their demonic henchmen do to their Worker’s Comp victims is to get them isolated. Literally and emotionally. They work to turn their victim’s family against them by any means necessary. The truth be damned. My stories on this subject and what has happened to me are pretty much typical of what other victims have experienced with AIG induced isolation.

If you have read my Facebook page in the past, then you know I had an aunt who was an in-your-face Catholic that turned more people off from God than to God. Sanctimonious, self-righteous and highly critical of everyone/anyone who disagreed with her and if you did disagree with her on any topic, soup to nuts, she immediately martyred herself.

She has a daughter named, Sandy. Sandy has 3 sons and one daughter. She became a widow later in life and was married to an amazing man. A good man who I only really knew when I was young. Like 13 years old and younger. He was a physically large man. Not fat. To me as a child he looked like Grizzly Adams. A man who could wrestle bears and win.

While I was at a funeral (I think it was for my Uncle Frank. Uncle by marriage) in Georgetown Ohio, I saw my cousin Sandy with her 4 children. I need to inform you that this is the first time I had seen her 3 sons in 20 years and the first time I had spoken directly to them, well, pretty much ever.

At the time I spoke with them I had NEVER, EVER had a cross word with anyone in their immediate family. I had no problems with anyone in our family at that moment. NO ONE.

I ran into Sandy at the exit of the Funeral Home and she was with her 3 sons and lone daughter. All adults. Sandy, knowing I didn’t really know any of her ‘boys’ introduced me to them. All was seemingly fine and cordial. So, I thought I’d tell an anecdotal story about their father and me.

It is an innocent story of me playing catch with him when I was 10 and I asked him to throw me a pop-up to show him my outfielder prowess. I misjudged the ball and it hit me square in the nose. I bled like a stuck pig. This gentle quiet giant carried me into the house where his future mother-in-law screamed, “Donnie, my God what did you do to him!”

After telling the story I laughed and smiled because it was a humorous story and a story I thought his children would enjoy. However, as I was telling the story I noticed Sandy getting uncomfortable and her children blankly staring at me.

Imagine, I finish telling the story and Sandy gives a nervous laughter and forced smile. I laugh at my own story and have a big smile on my face and I look at Sandy’s 4 adult children who are now looking at me like I just advocated Andrew Dice Clay to become the next Pope.

If their eyes were high-powered lasers I would have been cut to ribbons. If they were God judging my eternal soul, I would be in Dante’s (Inferno) worst ring of hell.

Why? Why would these adults who were supposed to be such amazing Christians have such unmitigated hate for me? You don’t just wake up and decide to hate someone, much less, have 4 separate individuals wake up and simultaneously hate someone. In fact, good Christians aren’t supposed to hate at all. However, these so-called Christians sure did hate me…but why? How do you hate someone you don’t know? How do you not have the courage of your convictions and at least tell the person you hate exactly why you hate them.

I am willing to bet that I will have to wait until judgement day to get the answer to those questions.

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Naboth was a citizen of Jezreel in 1Kings 21, and he owned a vineyard that was located near King Ahab's Palace. According to 1Kings 21 in the Old Testament, Naboth was executed by Queen Jezebel so that her husband Ahab could steal Naboth's vineyard. Naboth is depicted as a righteous and God-fearing man dedicated to preserving his ancestral inheritance. The bible portrays Naboth as someone deeply connected his land and unwilling to compromise his heritage for personal gain.

The word Jezebel in English is associated with women of loose morals and whores and Ahab is known for his cruel and immoral life.

Catholic Exorcist Priests such as Ripperger, Rosetti, Martin, Amarth etc. have all talked about portals from hell that humans (sometimes unwittingly) create that allow demons to enter your life, to afflict you and sometimes they even possess your body. It has taken me over 15 years and 10s of thousands of prayers to get just the basic understanding of these evil people who would be happy to hear of my demise and all you so-called "Faithful Christians" have invited them into your lives and believe their lies. Shame on you.

Just in case you lack the understanding of the 1Kings 21 reference or someone who might be considered obtuse.....I am Naboth and each of you and your new-found friend(s) are Jezebel. Her desire for evil is the point of my allegory. The objects of her evil lust are inconsequential.

Sandy Tracy, Brian Tracy, Seth Tracy, Chris Tracy, Andrea Tracy, Mary Arn, Roy Arn Rom Boe, Regina Moe, Barb Wallace, Jamie Mason, Jessi Mason, Sarah Mason, Libby Mason, Bill Arn, Ron Cochrane, Carroll McMullin, Wilma Gotch, Mick McMullin, Jim Moe, Stan Mazurek, Beth Moe, Deb Durbin, Pamela Bachman, Deb Schuldt, Ashley Corcoran, Kathy Enzweiler, Bill Enzweiler, Andy Enzweiler, Carroll McMullen, Pam Wright, Susan Knapp, Chris Teas, Sherry Corcoran, Sharon Meyer, Andy Arn, Patty Schmidt, Patty Rizio, Katy Yochum, Rob Ryan, John Cahall, Becky Teas-Durazmo-Teas-Sisson, Patty Carson, Cathy Zurbuch, Lisa Hauck, Alex Hayden, Suzanne Zurbuch, Blaise Burrows