The Knapp-sters
I am starting to see a pattern develop.
When I started this web page, I genuinely thought I would find KBR employees who had been wronged and screwed over by AIG or at least 1 ex-KBR employee who had a horror story about Becky Furr, the evilest of all AIG Insurance Adjusters…but I haven’t.
That hasn’t changed my desire to find one, however. This is how it is done. You come up with a plan and you stick to it. You make adjustments as you go but you keep the framework intact.
My sister Patty Rizio has either closed her social media accounts or has blocked me. The good thing about that is I have confirmation she has read what I have written.
The same for my brother William “Bill” Enzweiler. His Facebook account, “Ancient Traveler” has disappeared from the social media cyberworld.
I am not surprised that that my sister Susan Knapp hasn’t disappeared. Her arrogance is palpable.
However, Susan is the one I had the most belief in when it comes to doing the right thing. She knows I am an innocent man, but I guess that her heart is much closer to Joseph’s brothers (Genesis 50:20) heart than I had ever believed before. And with my quoting a bible scripture I can only imagine what her response will be. I would expect it will be consistent with whatever her AIG handlers tell her it should be.
If you know Susan, do yourself a favor and ask her a couple questions. And ask Bruce one as well.
Susan, what happened that time you had your brother Terry’s children and refused to let him talk to them? He said it wasn’t until he threatened to call the FBI and report a kidnapping that you finally relented. What’s up with that?
2, Susan, is it true you doctor shopped for a psychiatrist to tell you all your problems in life (successful high-paying career married to successful high-paying career man who is faithful and loyal with healthy children and private airplane and huge house, such horror) were a result of bad parenting from your mother and father and you needed to be on a 5-drug cocktail that included an anti-psychotic? That is what your sister Patty told your brother, Terry. What’s up with that? Were your America West Airline passengers ever in danger? Did you report this to the FAA?
3. Bruce, someone once told me that at one of Patty’s children’s weddings you said something like, “You mean my son Erik, the complete and total fuck-up”? Of course, the truth comes out after you drank 3 or 4 adult beverages. Does Erik know what you said? Bruce, did you know when Erik called me to borrow money, he let it be known he did not like his mother one bit. However, he did talk about how much he loved you. Erik also gave me the details about the time in Utah the police were called for domestic violence …………your wife for assaulting you. And they removed all the guns from your house because they were afraid Susan might hurt someone with them. Also, Kathy said she can’t believe you were a Marine after your wife beat your ass. I was witness to that comment.
4. Sorry but I keep thinking of more. Susan, you own property in Florida. I believe. You had a property manager for your investment? Yes? Patty and Pat were also using the same property manager. Here is the story I heard from Patty’s mouth. The property manager called Patty to essentially say she could not care for Patty’s property any longer. Patty knew (the Property Manager) was firing her as client because she couldn’t stand dealing with you anymore. So, Patty told the property manager she understood that Susan was a “bit difficult” to work with but PLEASE do not quit as (Pat and Patty’s) property manager. Patty told her to fire Susan as her client, but Patty made sure the Property Manager knew she was nothing like her sister, Susan. LOL, Patty distanced herself from you when she thought your shitty personality was about to cost her a really good Property Manager. Susan, did you know that is how people view you as a human being? WOW!!!
Susan, if you had just a modicum of decency, just the smallest bit of decency you and Patty would tell me who asked you to do that bug-eye business in Israel.
Your bug-eyed friends have destroyed me. They are evil people who have blackened-souls. I tried to be nice to you all and that earned me a giant F-U from my siblings. For once in your life please do the right thing. I have now made you aware of the torment these people inflict on me. That means on judgement day YOU all will be held accountable. Read the story of Joseph and his brothers in Genesis to find out how God views that sort of behavior.
You can let me know you don’t give a rat’s ass about me or the fact that your bug-eyed friends have tried to kill me by loosening the alignment bolts on my car. On more than one occasion I might add.
jamie arn, jamie mason, jessi mason, sarah burrows, luke mason, stephen mason, barb wallace, rob moe, regina moe, sandy tracy, seth tracy, christopher tracy, netty kissler, netty kessler, georgetown ohio, bill arn, stan mazurek, deb schuldy, rob b moe, nina goecke white, carroll mcmullen, mick mcmullen, nancy cochrane, patty schmidt, shawna mclure, tom gotch, jill moore patzek, emily ernst, pam watz perry, jill warner franck, cathy leimberger zurbuch, brittany wirtz, sarah stansberry, chris owens, heather martin salyer, betty krusling julie de vos, lisa hauck, gina boone, anita denton, gerard faust, lauren Knapp, erik knapp, pirkle, joe rizio, audrey rizio, gertrude vranken, wilma gotch, billie gotch, judith pirkle knapp, linda nooe, karen ann enzweiler, kathy louise enzweiler, john crampton, sharon knapp lamberth, linda livingstone franczyk, lisa aszklar, kris lindeman, diane dougherty, curt mayhew, beth moe, jim moe, michelle rae schouten